On Friday the 23rd of March we had a very nice theatre around the topic of the Turkish people who wanted to occupy Chios Island. The 6th class prepared together with the volunteers and the teacher a play, representing the resistance. It was in 1821 on the 25th of March. […]
Primary School 2017/2018
In the evening of the 03.03.18 there took place a first aid lesson taking place in the library of the second primary school of Vrontados. It was very interesting and definitely helpful for the future life. We volunteers prepared the tecnical equipment beforehand, so that everything was set for the […]
On 16th February we had a carnival celebration in school. Therefore, of course, we had a lot to do. We prepared the decoration inside the building that were garlands out of the kites the children made in the art lessons. We also helped preparing the technical equipment for the party […]
At the 1st of March we celebrated the beginning of spring in the 2nd primary school of Vrontados. Therefore we volunteers helped to prepare handicrafts the previous days, where we drew and cut out swallows, which the children could decorate later with colorful crepe paper. We got to know another […]
What would I say if I had to describe Carnival in the primary school with three words? Colors, food and dances. We started this exciting day with two more or less calm lessons where the children could craft their own masks and listened to Carnival music. But today they were […]
It is carnival time in Greece. During the last days the children of the Second Primary School of Vrontados prepared masks and different handicrafts already. At Friday, the last school-day before the long weekend, our school had a great carnival celebration. Until 10 o’clock in the morning each class had […]
Yesterday we took part in a really interesting Greek celebration – the Τσικνοπέμπτη which means literally translated Smelly Thursday or Thursday of the Smoke of Grilled Meat. On this day they eat Souflaki because they celebrate it as the last day where they can eat meat before they will fast […]
The “Tsiknopempti” (Greek: Τσικνοπέμπτη) is a traditional Greek celebration which takes place in the beginning of February anually. It can be translated as the “dirty Thursday” of the carnival-time. The carnival-period is divided in three parts, one of them is the “Kreatini” (Κρεατινί). It contains the word “κρέας” – meat. […]
Tsiknopempti (in Greek “Τσικνοπέμπτη “) translated to English means the “Smelly Thursday” or “Barbecue Thursday”. This Thursday got its name from the smell of grilled meat in the air and is part of the traditional celebrations for Carnival in Greece. In general in Greece there exists the three weeks of […]
On the 31st of January 2018 the 2nd primary school of Vrontados went on excursion to Daskalopetra. Literally translated Daskalopetra means “teachers stone”. According to the ancient story the Greek philosopher Homer teached his students here. In addition to that the place, located nearby the Agean Sea, has multiple playgrounds […]
On the 21st of December we had a great Christmas celebration in the Theatre called PEKEV in Vrontados. The 2nd class of the 3rd primary school in Vrontados prepared, together with the volunteers and the teachers, one very nice interpretation from the famous play “the nutcracker” from E. T. A. […]
The day began with a lot of excited children, and a lot of excited volunteers. This excursion would be very special because the children of the kindergarten as well as the first three grades of the primary school would spend this day together. For many of us, it was the […]