Last time we had the next presentation for our eTwinning project “Environment heroes”. This time we spoke about Air Pollutions’ issue. We explained the children from 3rd and 4th class from the 2nd Primary School of Vrontados, why the Air Pollutions are dangerous for our planet and which are the consequences of […]
The 29th of February was for us at Nenita school in many ways a special day. First, and this is what made it special all over the world, is it a leap day, a day, we have only once per 4 years. But second, and much more important, it was […]
When we started in the 3rd class the children were excited and curious. In the first lesson we crafted with plastic bottles. We cut the top of the bottles and children could decide how they want to use the so created bowl. They had many ideas and were very creative […]
In the Primary School of Nenita (which is only 3 km from Kataraktis) we volunteers are working activly since already some months this year, helping the teachers during every lesson and trying to make the days of the children full of smiles, games and educational activities. So, as we know time […]
Tuesday February 2, 2016 Volunteers went with the 2nd Primary School of Vrontados to an environmental center with playgrounds situated between the hills at the bottom of the mountains that surround Vrontados. With all the children and all the teachers we spent the morning in the nature playing different games […]
After our Christmas holidays our first excursion back in the school was to the Environmental Centre of Vrontados. We went with our two eTwinning classes and spent a really nice day with them. When we arrived in the centre one staff member expected us already and started immediately the presentation. […]
In the beginning of December we went with the 2nd primary school of Vrontados to a great playground near the airport of Chios with many different playing devices. We started in the morning with the bus and the children were already really excited. When we arrived they wanted to try […]
Last week the Katarraktis’s school have been in Nenita to see “ The twelve labours of Hercules” inside the theatre of the school, escorted by the teachers and the volunteers. Then, the children played all together a lot of games. During the show, they were careful and curios to see […]
With the 3rd class of the second primary school of Vrontados we made an amazing excursion to the library of Chios city. We started with an own bus from the school and when we arrived in the library the educators, who spent the morning with us, expected us already. In […]
The 18th of november the classes of the primary school of Kataraktis went in an excursione to the library of Chios city. The weather was perfect, making this trip really enjoyable, and the children were really happy to do a new experience with their friends. We volunteers join the journey […]
In the middle of June, the school year came to an end. For teachers as well as for kids this meant: Holidays! But before this, there was still something to prepare and to present: the final theatre performances of the school year. Every class made on last performance and presented […]
To celebrate the end of the school year, the children of Katarraktis played in a funny “comedy” with different situations inspired by the daily life. Moreover, they paid tribute to the Olympic Games singing Greek and English songs , dancing and practicing some sports. Our wonderful volunteers helped the teachers […]