For the last school trip of the year, the primary school of Katarraktis went in Volissos, Agios Galas and other places accompanied by the teachers, the families and of course by our amazing volunteers. First of all, we visited the village of Volissos and neighborhoods ( even an old school) […]
This month, the children of the primary school went near to the beach in the beautiful city of Katarraktis to extirpate and to implant the plants in the plastic jars with some tools suitable for the occasion. However, they were accompanied and helped by the amazing teachers and for the […]
The school year has started since a while and of course the volunteers of Vrontados have started their big adventure: being teacher assistants in the primary school! This task concerns many different things, and October was apparently the Art month! Why? Because we had the opportunity to use and develop […]
On 24th of May we went with the 3rd Primary School of Vrontados to the athletics school tournament of Chios Island. Mainly children from 5th and 6th class were participating for our school and they even earned some prices. Our children participated in several disciplines: the 1000m run, where one […]
With the 5th & 6th class we went to an excursion in Limnia, close to Volissos. There we visited an organic farm, where the children learned about the differences between organic and conventional food, how the seeds of the plants spread and the availability of ground water. From the school […]
On the 13th of April the boys from the fifth and sixth class went to the sports tournament for football, all the schools of the whole island take part in this tournament and our school did very good the first match. We won but the other two games we lost […]
This week in the primary school our children(smiling all the time) cooked the chocolate cookies with a lot of funny shapes(stars,teddy bears,hearts,trees) helped by our wonderful volunteers and with the presence of teachers, parents. There were two girls (the special guests) who have a proper cuisine website taught us this […]
The sun shining all the day, temperatures up to 20 degrees with nearly no wind, a giant football court for the kids: the 30th of March was a lot of fun for all of us, kids as well as volunteers! And this was because the classes 1, 2 and 3 (1 […]
Friday 1st of april, all of the classes of the 2nd School of Vrontados went on an excursion to Pantoukios, in this Village we could find a small café where the children could buy beverages and a snack, and close by there was a beach. Some of the children went […]
At the 3 Primary School of Vrontados we painted a big picture on the wall of the sea life in Chios Island. In cooperation with the teachers we made a sketch of the painting and then we realized it. The painting is of a sailboat and around is the sea […]
Last time due to the citrus’ subject in the 2nd class, we helped the teacher to make a natural orange juice with the children. Greece is a land full of oranges, mandarins and lemons but very often children don’t know how to prepare orange juice. This time they made it […]
On March 18th with the 2nd Primary school of Vrontados with the 1st and 2nd class we went to visit Kambos village which is situated souther than Chios city. This part of the island is famous for the grown of oranges and lemons because it’s a flat territory. The history […]