After my exchange year in the USA, I decided to go abroad after school again. I informed myself about the possibilities and learned about the European Solidarity Corps. Five months ago, the time had come. I left my home in Germany, to start a new experience. I arrived at a house on Chios Island, where six volunteers were waiting for me. From now on, I was part of a completely new everyday life and project.

With two of the six girls, I worked in the third primary school of Vrontados. They introduced me to the director, who was my contact person in all school matters. He gave me a schedule, introduced me to the teachers and to the students. It took a few days, until the kids opened up and started to play with me during the breaks. This was one of the most important tasks in the course of my work at the school. Also the teachers started to give me tasks very quick. First simple tasks like copying or cleaning the board, later I helped kids with learning disabilities during tests and tasks in the lessons. Especially during mathematics I was able to help a lot. The work at the primary school was not the only task that I had.
In the evening, I wrote articles for the websites of my organization. Before my project started, I chose a topic for the personal project, which for me was about Handball, and 20 other article about history, kids, science and curiosity. Every day between 6pm and 8pm I wrote articles for either my personal project or one of the other topics.
When my family asked me if this project is how I expected it to be, My answer was: No, even better. My expectations were good. I expected nice roommates, welcoming teachers, excited kids and tasks that I enjoy.
However, all my expectations were exceeded. My roommates quickly became friends with whom I had an incredibly great time and with whom I experienced many things I didn’t expect. We went on vacation to Samos, swam to waterfalls in ice cold water, went partying and swimming at night.

My teachers were not only welcoming me, they were thankful for my help. They brought self made food, asked us to come on excursions, trusted us alone with the students and helped us with the difficult decision in which restaurant to have dinner. They bought us cold drinks on hot days, invited us for dinner at the end of the school year and gave us a gift to remember. They have become more than just our teachers or colleagues. The kids were not only excited, they started to look up to us. I showed them football tricks, played basketball and tack with them and sat next to them in class, helping them to focus. When the sixth grade graduated from primary school, we had a very emotional celebration. It also made it emotional for me, when three of the eight kids mentioned me in there speeches, saying how much fund they had with me. And for sure, I can say the same. The work at the school didn’t feel like work. It was more like a hobby. I loved to be there and I am going to miss it.
But it was not only the work at the school, that made my volunteering project unforgettable. The day between the working time was just like holidays. In summer, we spent every single day at the beach. In spring, we played games everyday. We went out for dinner at least once every week. We explored Chios and Samos and we met new people.
However, in five months can also be some problems. From an hospital stay of one of my friends, over the early end of another friend, to problems with the university in Germany. But every problem that came up, we were able to solve. In hindsight, the challenges only further strengthened our friendships and made us friends who will continue to keep in touch after the project.

Even though high temperatures are very good for the beach, they also bring their disadvantages. The computer work, which was four hours long in the summer, was hardly bearable at almost 40 degrees. You get used to the constant sweating at night and during the day, but it is hard to concentrate in the heat. However, I prefer to sweat day and night and have nice weather and a warm sea than bad weather.
After the schools closed in June, our work with the kids continued in the evening. Every day from 6:30 pm we went to the third primary school of Vrontados to play with the kids that are there. Sometimes there are only one or two kids, but sometimes there are also 30 or more kids. Most of the times, we play basketball, dodge ball or tack with them. Sadly we are not allowed to play football with the students, because it is to competitive and to dangerous.
Also since the school was closed, we worked in the second primary school of Vrontados, where we painted different walls and repainted the paintings on the ground. On one wall, we painted hot air balloons, on another one a jungle picture. We also drew flowers and fruits. I am pretty sure, that we made the school more appealing for children. I would love to see there reaction, when they are back in school.

I was often asked if I would like to stay longer or if I would do this project again if it were possible. My answer is clearly yes. Because of my studies I can’t stay longer and another solidarity corps is also not possible, but I would have liked to be here earlier. Just to have more time with the students, my friends and the beautiful island. So if you have the possibility to go abroad for a certain time, I can only recommend it to you. You will make memories that will stay for the rest of your life.