The Aegean Regatta 2018

From the 18th to the 25th of August 2018 the Aegean Regatta took place in the Aegean Sea. There were two categories of participants: ORC International and ORC Club, of which ORC International is the more competitive one.

The Regatta consisted of 4 (Club) – 5 (International) races, depending on the category. The first race was from Skyros to Volissos, the second from Volissos to Chios, the third from Chios to Samos and the 4th and 5th ones were Inshore races. On the 21st of August, we had the opportunity to see some of the boats arriving in the port of Chios. Due to very little to no wind being present, it took most of the boats a lot longer than expected, which is why many of them arrived late at night. There we also got to witness the excellent routine of the different crews, their coordination and how fast they were able to take down their sails.

The next day was a day off for the sailors, and we got to meet the crew of the only swedish boat. There we could also see and learn a lot about the different types of boats, theirs for example was a cruiser on which they had already crossed the Atlantic Ocean multiple times. Later that day we also met the father of one of the crewmen of the boat ‘Dragon’ and some of its crew, who later went on to win the ORC Club category.

On the 23rd of August, we watched the start fo the race to Samos. This gave us the opportunity to learn about the racing rules and regulations and seeing them applied first hand. We also visited one of the storage halls of the local sailing club, where we saw even more kinds of sailing boats. If we keep on learning about sailing and are able to use everything we learned, we might even be able to pass on our knowledge to future volunteers, or even local children.

If you want to learn more about the Regatta and its results, visit their website!

To see all the pictures visit our gallery!