Summer Activities Katarraktis July 2018

July was an exciting month for the children in which we turned them into witches, super heroes, in small adventurers and adults.

In the first week of July we organized a magical program. The witches had the task to find their cat with closed eyes, to go through a challenging parcour with their brooms and to prove their elasticity in “Limbo”. Moreover, the small witches and wizards had to solve many challenging tasks in a group game, guess the inside of bags only by  feeling and explain different creatures without talking!

The second week was under the theme “environment” in which the children fought against lava, storms and flood and crafted interesting things out of recicling material like a wallet out of milk cartons, humans out of toilet                                                                                    paper rolls or necklaces out of drinking straws.

The third week was very exciting for  the children because they could turn  into super heroes. In different  competition games they could test their personal super powers and designed  their own super-heroe masks. They even managed to fly in the air together with their friends!

In the last week of June we prepared the topic “jobs” and we found out that we have in our group in Katarraktis our future teachers, astronomists, doctors and millionairs. We prepared  a job-memory, tested their knowledge and abilities in a quiz game and tested their artistic skills: everybody created colorful caterpillars and were very proud to show it to their parents!

To see all the pictures, go into our gallery!