Maintaining the boat

During the winter season the organisation’s sailing boat is kept in a harbour in the North of the island, outside of the water. There, we have the possibility to maintain the boat and to prepare it for the coming sailing season, which lasts usually from spring to autumn.

The first step to get the boat ready for the winter is to take out all the things that we want to save from the humidity (e.g. ropes, cushions or sails). Afterwards, the bottom on the outside of the boat has to be fixed as the boat is influenced by many things of the salty sea water. So, when it is needed, we scratch off the old paint and other disturbing things and then if needed paint the boat with a special paint.

During the Easter vacation 2012 unfortunately a lighting hit our organisation´s boat and burned several wholes, which delayed our preparations. However it also gave us the chance to get to know the parts and materials of the boat better while repairing the damages. We had to remove the woods and tanks in the inside to be able to check for wholes and to fix them. After scratching the affecting areas, we had to use a series of different strength fiber, special paint and fiber glass to recreate the layers of the ship.

When all the preparations of the boat are finished, the boat is put back into the water. For this a special transporter is needed that is driven backwards underneath the ship and then put higher, so the pillars can be removed and the boat can be transported to the sea.

After this task is accomplished, we sail to our local harbour, where the boat stays for the sailing season. The ropes with which it is secured to this harbour also have to be checked and cleaned from the seaweed for which we use a small air-boat.

So all in all maintaining the organisation´s boat is another special task of our project, where we learn lots of interesting things concerning boats and can acquire craft skills.

To see all pictures go into our gallery!