During the last week the main topic in kindergarten was the North Pole and the South Pole. The teachers started by showing the location of these areas on our planet to the children. Afterwards they watched a video about animals who only live in the Arctic or Antarctica and learned […]
During the last few weeks, the main topic in kindergarten was water. The teachers started by explaining the water circulation to the children in an easy way. To start this topic the teachers first asked everyone where the rain and the clouds come from. The children could soon agree that […]
The 28th of October also known as OXI- day is a very important celebration in Greece. On that day in 1940 the Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxa refused to surrender to the Italian forces leaded by Benito Mussolini. Even though this decision ended in war Greek people are still very proud […]
After a long break of summer holidays schools finally started again on 14th of September. In the kindergarten we already started preparing everything two weeks before the children arrived at school. Every year the kindergarten teachers select a motto for the whole kindergarten. As this year’s motto is “castle” we […]