28th of October in kindergarten

The 28th of October also known as OXI- day is a very important celebration in Greece. On that day in 1940 the Greek dictator Ioannis Metaxa refused to surrender to the Italian forces leaded by Benito Mussolini. Even though this decision ended in war Greek people are still very proud of the resistance they showed and therefore celebrate this day every year.

Also in kindergarten everyone was preparing for this special day already one week before the celebration. The children learned about the Second World War by watching a video and talked about how Metaxa said “NO” to the Italians.

Furthermore, the children were creating handicrafts relating to this national celebration, like a Greek flag.

Because the 28th of October is a national holiday schools and the kindergarten were closed. That’s why the teachers and children already did their own small celebration on the 27th of October. They learned how to sing the Greek national anthem and did a small parade at the schoolyard.

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