Summer activities in Tholopotami 2018

This year we went during the summer activities to Tholopotami, even tough it is quite far away from our hosting places in Katarraktis and Vrontados. To make the transfer the mothers kindly picked us up in Katarraktis or we got droven from the organisations director from Vrontados.

In Tholopotami we got a special task: we should paint one wall inside the kindergarten and add painted games to the schoolyard. To get both spaces painted we split into two teams, one for inside, one for outside.

About the progress inside:

The wall was already painted in a paile yellow, but the locals wanted to have a nice picture added. In the room the children also take their nap, so the painting should work with that. After the brainstorming and a lot of sketches, we decided to draw an under water scene with two mermaids, same plants and fish. In addition, we wanted to creat a kind of frame with a greek pattern.

To draw everything took quite a long time, but now the locals are very happy with the result.

The painting outside:

To have an ideas which games the children wanted to have on their schoolyard, we asked them to draw some games they liked on a piece of paper. Afterwards we collected all the ideas and picked out the 6 favorite one. Those we wanted to implement.

Before we could start with the painting we had to clean the foor with brooms.The first game the children wanted to have is a jumping game with the numbers from 1 to 10. The children wanted to help with the painting. So we sketched out the games with jork and the children could fill in the game with the color.

As a second game we prepared a game called mirrow me. Like before the children help to color everything in and the motheres helped too.

When we came the third time to draw, we saw the children already playing with the two finished games. That made us very happy to see, because our work is appreciated.

But there were 4 games left to paint. We prepared, then the children painted. We added a caterpillar with numbers, a jumping game from 0 to 4, a field for a ball game and a big kind of board game with snakes and ladders.

Seeing the progress, we could tell a big difference from a grey and simple to a colorful and fun schoolyard.

We are very happy that we could help with the painting. Not only we had a lot of fun with the implementation, but we also know that the children will have a lot of fun during the break, when school will start again.

To see all our pictures, go to our gallery!