Building a Traditional Kite

At 26th of February, the students of the 2nd and 3rd class of the Second Primary School in Vrontados learned how to build a traditional kite.
Therefore, Padelis Panajotis came to the school and showed to children what to do.

At first he constructed a hexagon by connecting three wooden sticks in the middle. The result was a star shaped construction. Kirios Panajotis connected the ends of the sticks with a small rope. That way he created a the hexagonal frame for the kite. To stabilize it, he wound the rope around the sticks several more times and made a geometric pattern.

When the frame was complete, he covered it with thin paper in different colors. To improve the looks of the kite, Kirios Panajotis stuck colorful stars on the paper and added the initials of the school. As next step he showed the curious children how to knot little papers on a long rope. Then he attached this “tail” to the kite. Last but not least he attached a rope at the front of the kite to guide it, when it is up in the air. Finally Kirios Panajotis presented the beautiful handmade kite to the impressed children and teachers. The students followed every step during the building process with great interest and were very happy about their new self-made kite.

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