The webpage “” was created by the TES Team in order to give primary school pupils the opportunity to study Maths exercises online. We take the exercises according to the Math Book of the Greek Ministry of Education as an example to create exercises in our own way.In these exercises, […]
Beginning of June we started to create a webpage about maritime museums: The first step was to find materials and to plan the content of this website. We decided to divide the concerning museums into 5 modules: maritime, naval, special, historical and virtual. Each of them contains articles about […]
“” is a complete website about Europe’s history, youth projects, useful information about e.g. first aid and much more. Before called “”, we created a new and more interactive website with the same content:””. The main target group are young people who are interested in participating at a European exchange […]
The name says it all: is the webradio station of the volunteers from “Experimental” Technology Education Sports. The station broadcasts information about Chios, cultural events, news about sports etc., created by the volunteers. As it is customary for a radio station, there is also music without copyright from various […]
On the webpage “” we give the visitors all the information about youth programs, youth initiatives and youth exchanges. More over, there are detailed descriptions about our organisation and our projects. So, especially future volunteers or young people who are interested in joining our project, get lots of information that […]