Sometimes we forget how special and important our daily lives are. We often think that everything can be even more beautiful, bigger or better because of all the outside influences, such as social-media and social pressure. We forget to look at what we do have and that it is not […]
October 28th, 1940. The day on which the Greek said “όχι!” The day on which the resistance of the Greek soldiers started and the national pride strengthened.This day went down in history as the day that the Greek Prime Minister Metaxas refused the ultimatum given by Mussolini, who wanted free […]
Have you ever seen the movie “Mamma Mia”? If you have, then you probably remember how beautiful the scenery in it is. It is all about mountains, beaches, small towns, friendly people, the sun and so much more. That is pretty much what I pictured when I thought about Chios […]
Όχι-day is a national celebration day in Greece. During this memorial day, people in Greece commemorate that Prime Minister ‘Ioannis Metaxas’ stood up for his country in 1940 (World War II). At the 28th of October in 1940, Mussolini (Italy) came up with an ultimatum that Greece should immediately surrender […]
The history of Greece is multifaceted and has many different important dates on which everyone gathers together to celebrate. Όχι Day was one of the things that I was most excited about after hearing about it when I arrived here. Over the last couple of weeks, I learned a lot […]
I was nervously waiting for my suitcase at the airport on the Greek island of ‘Chios’. At that moment, I didn’t really know exactly what I was nervous about. Was I worried whether my suitcase would arrive, or was I more busy with looking for the person to pick me […]