Sometimes I ask myself how I ended up here. To leave my home and my life as I knew it for one year. On Chios Island, a place that I didn’t know existed before I came here. And now, almost a year later, it feels like home. I found my […]
The last few weeks I’ve been living my life on the Island of Chios. Now that the time that I’m leaving is getting closer, I wanted to describe to you how this life has treated me so far. I’m going to tell about the first impressions when I got here, […]
The 25th of March is a national holiday for the Greeks. On this day, they remember the day that the start of the war for the Greek independence began in 1821. For a bit of background information, Greece was a part of the Ottoman Empire since 1453. That all changed […]
In honor of Chios’ independence day on November 11th, the kindergarten where I volunteer has planned a special excursion for the children. As an ESC volunteer and assistant teacher, I get to know the history and culture of Chios together with the children, this is, among other things, my favorite […]
Just as everywhere in the world Christmas is a special day in Greece, especially for the children in Kindergarten. Already in November, I started decorating the Kindergarten with big Santas, snowflakes, Snowmen, and many more things including a Christmas tree. Also, all the children told me what they had planned […]
The 28th of October is a very special day for the Greeks. This year I got the opportunity to learn a lot about the history of this national holiday and I could even gather some first-hand experiences of the traditions and celebrations. About the history. The “Επέτειος του Όχι” which […]
My volunteer project with the European Solidarity Corps started on September 1st. My first impression of Chios Island, and thereby my new home for the next months, was really positive. The surroundings just seem unreal. The ocean and the mountains, the little streets, the old stone houses and the monuments […]
The day of the NO sounds weird but it is one of the most important National holidays in Greece. On the 28. of October Military and different school groups march through the cities of Greece and Cyprus and in many Other countries with a big Greek community people celebrate. They […]
On the 11 of November, the day when in Germany the carnival officially begins and all Germans start singing carnival songs the whole island of Chios meets up for a special celebration as well but not for carnival. No on this day something much more important happened in Chios a110 […]
Yesterday the final celebrations of the school year of the Kindergarten took place. We all celebrated together in the beach of Daskalopetra, with the children, family and friends. The children did some plays and dances and the oldest ones graduated and said their goodbyes. But in order for all of […]
Teaching children about sustainable habits like recycling, is very important for their future. But what’s even better is to show them how it works and engaging in entertaining and dynamic activities. For this exact reason, last week the 3rd Kindergarten of Vrontados learned about recycling and they did it in […]
As UNICEF says, children and young people have the same general rights as adults but also specific rights that recognize their special needs. Last week, the 3rd Kindergarten of Vrontados learnt about them. During the the whole week, the children learnt about their rights and also about the situation of […]