Excursion to the spring of Vrontados

Water is the elixir of our life without it we could not exist. Because of its importance for our lives the teachers of the kindergarten took the past two weeks to explain everything about water to the children.

Starting with the question “how does water smell?” the children learnt at first what water exactly is. Through different experiments they figured out that water has no color, no taste and no smell. Based on this knowledge they looked deeper at the construction of the water molecule. To understand how water is constructed every child built their own water molecule out of plastic modelling mass. Their models consist out of tow red balls representing the hydrogen and one blue ball for the oxygen.

In the second week they took a closer look to the circulation of water. In an easy language the teacher explained the connection between the sunlight and the development of clouds and the following rain. To visualize it, they showed videos and I had the honor to create a 3D model of water circulation. Role games in which the children where the water and the teacher the sun explained in a playful way how everything works. The children also had the opportunity to draw the circulation of water on their own which helped them to understand how it works as well.

To round the whole topic up the second week ended with an excursion to the spring of Vrontados. In the presence of the spring the children repeated all of their new knowledge and played some fun games with the water. A great rounding off of the water theme.

To see all pictures, go to our gallery!