Sports day 12th of June

On Wednesday the 12th of June, the whole school of Agios Georgios went to the nearby park Κλειδού, where the children played games and could compete against each other.

Together with students from 6th grade and our volunteer, the sports teacher prepared a little parkour which the children had to run through. At the end, they had to shoot down five little boxes from a table in two meters distance. The team which shot down all the boxes three times won.

The boys and girls from first grade could compete against each other in sack race as well as egg-and-spoon-race. In another game, they got balloons tied to their feet and had to try to let the balloons from the competing team burst.

As time after time also many parents came by, the sports teacher who was moderating the whole event initiated a tug-of-war parents against students. As the students would have probably lost, many of the teachers joined them and finally won many times.

The sports day ended with Greek traditional music to which the children presented the dances they learned during the school year. It was a very nice morning and the children enjoyed playing the games and competing against each other. It was really nice to see the team spirit in every class and how they were cheering on each other.

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