Visit of Niretta the Caretta

On Friday, the 7th of June the second primary school of Vrontados got a visit of Niretta the Caretta. Niretta the Caretta is a program by the international nonprofit organization MEDASSET created to raise awareness about the endangered sea turtles in the Mediterranean.

We volunteers prepared everything for the interactive workshop of MEDASSET: we set up the projector and sound, and placed all the chairs in the library.

The children were very excited about the workshop and listened attentively. The two guys from MEDASSET first introduced themselves to the children and brought the importance of a responsible treating of the environment closer to the kids. They did that through glove puppets, short videos and songs and did it entertainingly. You could her the children laugh from time to time. One highlight for the children was to sing and dance a sea turtle song together with the turtle mascot Niretta.

Outside the workshop leaders then played games with the children. The first and second graders made a big circle and made turtle dance, while the third, fourth and sixth graders played a trash sorting game. Every child got some plastic or paper of trash, then they had to run, and put their trash into the right trash bin.

The children had a lot of fun with Niretta. They learned a lot about the environment and especially sea turtles and all of that in an entertaining and fun way.

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