YES to friendship, NO to violence

In the kindergarten the children do not only prepare their skills and knowledge for school. Also, they are training their social competences by playing and working together. Of course from time to time a child becomes a bit angry because another child is playing with its favourite toy or it doesn’t want to share the fibre-tip pens. So every day gives the chance to learn more about the living together.

To remember how important it is to stay calm also in apparently unfair situations there is the “Day against violence in schools” at the 6th of March. In the lessons around this day the children in the kindergarten talked about what is violence like hit somebody, laugh about the difficulties or body characteristics from other children or exclude somebody. Also, they thought about god and bad sentences they should or shouldn’t say when they want something or discuss a problem. To remember that it is much better to be friends, the children heard a story of a friendship between different animals and how nice it is to play and laugh together.

Very important symbols were the hands. Together with us volunteers the children crafted their hands and thought about what they can do with them. Also, they learned a new song about the hands. Furthermore, we made posters with the children, which showed that it is important for them to respect other people and do this with the power of the heart.

Generally the children in the kindergarten are good friends and apart from small quarrels they have no problems together. But we think that is very good to sometimes remember how nice it is to have friends and to give new ideas for the life in the community.



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