On the 5th of May, 2012 the lesson of the second period of the “Junior Captain” project was about the awareness of disease, how they emerge and how they can be healed.
The well-known cardiologist Anastasios Tripolitis, who was born and raised in Chios, held an interesting lesson in which the children could gain a lot of important knowledge. They were handed out a portfolio with a script with which they could folllow the lesson and which they could take home to learn more about this day’s subject. The script was exclusively written for the “Junior Captains” by Mr. Tripolitis.
During the lesson the children asked a lot of interesting questions. Moreover, they got to know about the prevention of illnesses and the healing of other diseases.
In relation to the nautical subject of the workshop, the children learned about diseases like scurvy (disease resulting from a deficiency of vitamin C) that used to be known as a “sailor disease”. Moreover, the children got to know how urgent illnesses or injuries are treated on ships, when there are just limited possibilities for a treatment.
As the lesson finished earlier at that day, the children had the possibility to spend some time on the ship and enjoy watching Chios harbour and all the fish in its water.
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